Cloudflare integration?

I have seen this on a lot of hosters and also got it recommended.
It basically gives you additional security, saves you bandwidth and load on the server, increases performance of your site and its completely free !!!

Allowing us users ( paid or free ) to use Cloudflare would only be beneficial as this means that the servers are less strained, there really is no downside except doing the job to get Cloudflare working with bplaced.

Thanks in advance and would like to hear opinions of both staff and users.

1 „Gefällt mir“


currently I am not planning any changes within our hosting plans. News in that matter are expected within this year, fourth quarter, but nothing similar to so called cloud hosting.

I am pretty much sure that our technique is using the servers’ resiources to their full potential, also due to lots of custom and unique modifications. However, thanks for your hint.



I don’t see why you can’t use cloudflare with bplaced. True, you cannot use it with your bplaced-Domain, but any custom domain shere you can change DNS-Servers will work. There are even free ones like .tk or


I don’t see why you can’t use cloudflare with bplaced. True, you cannot use it with your bplaced-Domain, but any custom domain shere you can change DNS-Servers will work. There are even free ones like .tk or[/quote]
I’ll look into it, thanks.