Fehlermeldung wegen Javascript-code

Hallo Leute!

auf meiner Webseite habe ich fertige javascript-codes eingebaut. jetzt ist es aber so, dass FF und IE mir einen fehler dabei anzeigt… kenn mich leider nicht wirklich mit javascript aus, deshalb frag ich hier mal nach.

1.im FF wird folgender Fehler angezeigt:

[quote]Fehler: document.getElementById(divids[i]) is null
Quelldatei: xxx/js/virtualpaginate.js
Zeile: 73[/quote]

[code]// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// PUBLIC: buildpagination()- Create pagination interface by calling one or more of the paginate_build_() functions
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

virtualpaginate.prototype.buildpagination=function(divids, optnavtext){
var divids=(typeof divids==“string”)? [divids] : divids //force divids to be an array of ids
var primarypaginatediv=divids.shift() //get first id within divids[]
var paginaterawHTML=document.getElementById(primarypaginatediv).innerHTML
this.paginate_build(primarypaginatediv, 0, optnavtext)
for (var i=0; i<divids.length; i++){
this.paginate_build(divids[i], i+1, optnavtext)

weiss jemand wie ich den fehler beseitigen kann?

  1. im IE kommt folgender fehler:

function instantset(degree){ if (mastertabvar.browserdetect=="mozilla") submenuobject.style.MozOpacity=degree/100 else if (mastertabvar.browserdetect=="ie") submenuobject.filters.alpha.opacity=degree }

weiss jemand wie ich den fehler beseitigen kann?

vlt kann mir auch jemand erklären für was der code steht?



kann niemand helfen?

-> Hoffmann ? … du bist ja der meister ^^

Hast evtl. nen Link? …
p.s: Bitte push nicht Threads hoch :wink:

seite ist noch nicht offiziell online… außerdem siehst du dann auch nicht mehr, weil es keine anzeigefehler sind, sondern der browser nur den Fehler auflistet (Extras -> Fehlerkonsole).

will dass das thema nicht untergeht … :neutral_face:

Nun, wir bräuchten zumindest mal den gesamten JS-Code, und du müsstest uns mal sagen, wie du document.getElementById(divids[i]) denn einen Wert geben willst.

danke für deine antwort.

hier findet man das ergebnis (Demo 3): LINK

[code]// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Virtual Pagination Script- By Dynamic Drive, available at: http://www.dynamicdrive.com
// Last updated: Nov 21st, 2008 to v2.0
// ** Adds ability to define multiple pagination DIVs (the secondary DIVs mirror primary DIV’s contents)
// ** Last viewed page persistence, so last viewed page can be remembered/ recalled within browser session.
// ** Improvements to instance.navigate() to select a page using an arbitrary link or inside another script.
// ** Ability to select a page using a URL parameter (ie: target.htm?virtualpiececlass=index).
// PUBLIC: virtualpaginate()
// Main Virtual Paginate Object function.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

document.write(’’ //write out CSS for class “.hidepeice” that hides pieces of contents within pages
+’@media print{.hidepiece{display:block !important;}}\n’

function virtualpaginate(config){ //config: {piececlass:, piececontainer:, pieces_per_page:, defaultpage:, persist}
var elementType=(typeof config.piececontainer==“undefined”)? “div” : config.piececontainer //The type of element used to divide up content into pieces. Defaults to "div"
this.pieces=virtualpaginate.collectElementbyClass(config.piececlass, elementType) //get total number of divs matching class name
//Set this.chunksize: 1 if “chunksize” param is undefined, “chunksize” if it’s less than total pieces available, or simply total pieces avail (show all)
this.chunksize=(typeof config.pieces_per_page==“undefined”)? 1 : (config.pieces_per_page>0 && config.pieces_per_page<this.pieces.length)? config.pieces_per_page : this.pieces.length
this.pagecount=Math.ceil(this.pieces.length/this.chunksize) //calculate number of “pages” needed to show the divs
this.paginatediv=[], this.flatviewlinks=[], this.cpspan=[], this.selectmenu=[]
var persistedpage=virtualpaginate.getCookie(“dd_”+this.piececlass) || 0
var urlselectedpage=virtualpaginate.urlparamselect(this.piececlass) //returns null or index from: mypage.htm?piececlass=index
this.currentpage=(typeof urlselectedpage==“number”)? urlselectedpage : ((this.persist)? persistedpage : config.defaultpage)
this.currentpage=(this.currentpage<this.pagecount)? parseInt(this.currentpage) : 0 //ensure currentpage is within range of available pages
this.showpage(this.currentpage) //Show selected page

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// PUBLIC: navigate(keyword)- Calls this.showpage() based on parameter passed (0=page1, 1=page2 etc, “next”, “first”, or “last”)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

var prevlinkindex=this.currentpage //Get index of last clicked on page
if (keyword==“previous”)
this.currentpage=(this.currentpage>0)? this.currentpage-1 : (this.currentpage==0)? this.pagecount-1 : 0
else if (keyword==“next”)
this.currentpage=(this.currentpage<this.pagecount-1)? this.currentpage+1 : 0
else if (keyword==“first”)
else if (keyword==“last”)
this.currentpage=this.pagecount-1 //last page number
this.currentpage=(this.currentpage<this.pagecount)? this.currentpage : 0 //ensure pagenumber is within range of available pages
for (var p=0; p<this.paginatediv.length; p++){ //loop through all pagination DIVs
if (this.flatviewpresent)
this.flatviewlinks[p][prevlinkindex].className="" //“Unhighlight” previous page (before this.currentpage increments)
if (this.selectmenupresent)
if (this.flatviewpresent)
this.flatviewlinks[p][this.currentpage].className=“selected” //“Highlight” current page

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// PUBLIC: buildpagination()- Create pagination interface by calling one or more of the paginate_build_() functions
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

virtualpaginate.prototype.buildpagination=function(divids, optnavtext){
var divids=(typeof divids==“string”)? [divids] : divids //force divids to be an array of ids
var primarypaginatediv=divids.shift() //get first id within divids[]
var paginaterawHTML=document.getElementById(primarypaginatediv).innerHTML
this.paginate_build(primarypaginatediv, 0, optnavtext)
for (var i=0; i<divids.length; i++){
this.paginate_build(divids[i], i+1, optnavtext)

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// PRIVATE utility functions
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

virtualpaginate.collectElementbyClass=function(classname, element){ //Returns an array containing DIVs with specified classname
if (document.querySelectorAll){
var pieces=document.querySelectorAll(element+"."+classname) //return pieces as HTMLCollection
var classnameRE=new RegExp("(^|\s+)"+classname+"($|\s+)", “i”) //regular expression to screen for classname within element
var pieces=[]
var alltags=document.getElementsByTagName(element)
for (var i=0; i<alltags.length; i++){
if (typeof alltags[i].className==“string” && alltags[i].className.search(classnameRE)!=-1)
pieces[pieces.length]=alltags[i] //return pieces as array
return pieces

var result=window.location.search.match(new RegExp(vpclass+"=(\d+)", “i”)) //check for “?piececlass=2” in URL
return (result==null)? null : parseInt(RegExp.$1) //returns null or index, where index (int) is the selected virtual page’s index

var re=new RegExp(Name+"=[^;]+", “i”); //construct RE to search for target name/value pair
if (document.cookie.match(re)) //if cookie found
return document.cookie.match(re)[0].split("=")[1] //return its value
return null

virtualpaginate.setCookie=function(name, value){
document.cookie = name+"="+value

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// PRIVATE: showpage(pagenumber)- Shows a page based on parameter passed (0=page1, 1=page2 etc)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

var totalitems=this.pieces.length //total number of broken up divs
var showstartindex=pagenumber*this.chunksize //array index of div to start showing per pagenumber setting
var showendindex=showstartindex+this.chunksize-1 //array index of div to stop showing after per pagenumber setting
for (var i=0; i<totalitems; i++){
if (i>=showstartindex && i<=showendindex)
if (this.persist){ //if persistence enabled
virtualpaginate.setCookie(“dd_”+this.piececlass, this.currentpage)
if (this.cpspan.length>0){ //if <span class="paginateinfo> element is present, update it with the most current info (ie: Page 3/4)
for (var p=0; p<this.cpspan.length; p++)
this.cpspan[p].innerHTML=‘Page ‘+(this.currentpage+1)+’/’+this.pagecount

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// PRIVATE: build() methods- Various methods to create pagination interfaces
// paginate_paginate_build()- Main build() paginate function
// paginate_output_flatview()- Accepts element and populates it with sequential pagination links
// paginate_paginate_build_flatview()- Parses the modified element and assigns click behavior to the pagination links
// paginate_build_selectmenu(paginatedropdown)- Accepts an empty SELECT element and turns it into pagination menu
// paginate_build_regularlinks(paginatelinks)- Accepts a collection of links and screens out/ creates pagination out of ones with specific “rel” attr
// paginate_build_cpinfo(cpspan)- Accepts element and displays current page info (ie: Page 1/4)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

virtualpaginate.prototype.paginate_build=function(divid, divpos, optnavtext){
var instanceOfBox=this
var paginatediv=document.getElementById(divid)
if (this.chunksize==this.pieces.length){ //if user has set to display all pieces at once, no point in creating pagination div
var paginationcode=paginatediv.innerHTML //Get user defined, “unprocessed” HTML within paginate div
if (paginatediv.getElementsByTagName(“select”).length>0) //if there’s a select menu in div
this.paginate_build_selectmenu(paginatediv.getElementsByTagName(“select”)[0], divpos, optnavtext)
if (paginatediv.getElementsByTagName(“a”).length>0) //if there are links defined in div
var allspans=paginatediv.getElementsByTagName(“span”) //Look for span tags within passed div
for (var i=0; i<allspans.length; i++){
if (allspans[i].className==“flatview”)
this.paginate_output_flatview(allspans[i], divpos, optnavtext)
else if (allspans[i].className==“paginateinfo”)
this.paginate_build_cpinfo(allspans[i], divpos)

virtualpaginate.prototype.paginate_output_flatview=function(flatviewcontainer, divpos, anchortext){
var flatviewhtml=""
var anchortext=anchortext || new Array()
for (var i=0; i<this.pagecount; i++){
if (typeof anchortext[i]!=“undefined”) //if custom anchor text for this link exists
flatviewhtml+=’’+anchortext[i]+’ ’ //build pagination link using custom anchor text
flatviewhtml+=’’+(i+1)+’ ’ //build pagination link using auto incremented sequential number instead
this.paginate_build_flatview(flatviewcontainer, divpos, anchortext)

virtualpaginate.prototype.paginate_build_flatview=function(flatviewcontainer, divpos, anchortext){
var instanceOfBox=this
var flatviewhtml=""
for (var i=0; i<this.flatviewlinks[divpos].length; i++){
var prevlinkindex=instanceOfBox.currentpage //Get index of last clicked on flatview link
var curlinkindex=parseInt(this.getAttribute(“rel”))
return false
this.flatviewlinks[divpos][this.currentpage].className=“selected” //“Highlight” current flatview link
this.flatviewpresent=true //indicate flat view links are present

virtualpaginate.prototype.paginate_build_selectmenu=function(paginatedropdown, divpos, anchortext){
var instanceOfBox=this
var anchortext=anchortext || new Array()
for (var i=0; i<this.pagecount; i++){
if (typeof anchortext[i]!=“undefined”) //if custom anchor text for this link exists, use anchor text as each OPTION’s text
paginatedropdown.options[i]=new Option(anchortext[i], i)
else //else, use auto incremented, sequential numbers
paginatedropdown.options[i]=new Option("Page “+(i+1)+” of "+this.pagecount, i)
setTimeout(function(){paginatedropdown.selectedIndex=instanceOfBox.currentpage}, 500) //refresh currently selected option (for IE’s sake)
this.selectmenu[divpos].selectedIndex=this.currentpage //“Select” current page’s corresponding option

var instanceOfBox=this
for (var i=0; i<paginatelinks.length; i++){
var currentpagerel=paginatelinks[i].getAttribute(“rel”)
if (currentpagerel==“previous” || currentpagerel==“next” || currentpagerel==“first” || currentpagerel==“last”){ //screen for these “rel” values
return false

virtualpaginate.prototype.paginate_build_cpinfo=function(cpspan, divpos){
cpspan.innerHTML=‘Page ‘+(this.currentpage+1)+’/’+this.pagecount

und das gehört noch in die index.php
