FTP login help

I am really sorry I could not help. Perhaps you can try to find somebody who speaks English to help you? Or maybe there is a Turkish speaker here?

Burada İngilizce konuşan birisi var mı?

İyi geceler

Mike Connor

I am from turkey.My english is very bad.My problem is ftp login.ıt started ago three day.Now ı have same problem.

Bağlantı sağlandı, hoşgeldin mesajı beklenmekte... Cevap: 220 Welcome to bplaced, FTP server standing by ... Komut: USER askgemisifm Cevap: 331 Hello askgemisifm, your password is required: Komut: PASS ***** Cevap: 530 Login authentication failed Hata: Sunucuya bağlantı kurulamıyor

plase help me.I must change my site.My site is:

Some other people have been having problems with FTP. The script says you are on server 4. You can try the following;

General Steps.

If you get Error 530 Login authentication failed

  1. Check that your password is written correctly, and also note that that the user name must be entered in lower case, unless you have created an account which explicitly uses CAPITAL LETTERS.

  2. Delete your FTP account, create a new one, and try again.

  3. Place either www. OR ftp. in front of the server address.

4.) Enpty your DNS cache. To do so, go to Start-> Execute-> ipconfig/flushdns -> ENTER.

If you are using Vista ;

Start->find cmd>Click-right and choose “Execute as Administrator” ENTER

Write in the command line “ipconfig/flushdns” ENTER

5.) If none of this works, wait 24 hours, and try again!

More information.

1.) Go to piripiri014.mein-webperoni.de/bplaced/ and enter your domain name. The script will tell you which server you are on.

( I already did this, the script says server 4)

2.) If the script returns server 4, check the bplaced User Panel under MySQL-Databases, if there is an error like this;

SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user ‘bp’@‘bplaced.net’ (using password: YES)

Or a similar error code, then you will have to wait until Miro ( The Owner of bplaced) fixes the problem.

Your website is working perfectly I just checked it again;



Mike Connor

Thanks for answer.Now ftp is very big problem and ı am bored.

I was unable to connect to your FTP using the password you gave me, and the prefixes ftp. OR www. I get the same error " 530 authentification failed", so I assume you will have to wait until Miro fixes the general problem with FTP.


Mike Connor

Thanks,I will wait

hi you’re on server 4
there are problems with ftp, we are actually searching the problem
please wait
i will tell you if there are news to this

Bir şey değil.

Mike Connor

you are learning turkish.:slight_smile:)very good.

try again please
it shouldn’t be problems anymore

it’s working.thank you very much.You are perfect.

I have problems with 530 error…


I tried www.floodout.bplaced.net , ftp.floodout.bplaced.net , delete and recovery FTP account. Still 530. Can you help me?

Try to enter the IP instead of the URL. You’ll find the IP @CP.

I had the same problems and it works fine now… :slight_smile:

Hallo, ich habe einen Benutzernamen namens renaulttl.bplaced.net erstellt und möchte mich über Filezilla mit diesem FTP-Verzeichnis verbinden.
Server: renaulttl.bplaced.net,
Benutzername: renaulttl.
Obwohl ich alles richtig eingegeben habe, erhalte ich einen 530 Fehler. Können Sie mir dabei helfen?"

hiho :wink:

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