I’m running a small webpage based on CMS (Drupal) here on bplaced. As I have already accidentally dropped my database (and in general for obvious security reasons) I would like to do from time to time a security backup of the database.
I need it also for future development of site as I would like to create a “dev” version where I do the changes and then only dump the database and import it in a production database
The natural way is to log into phpPgAdmin and use “Export” function, but when I try this I encounter this error:
The other way is to use pg_dump from the shell but as we all know there is no access to the shell here.
it has taken the popular software ‘Drupal’ a few weeks ago, is currently WordPress with a very serious vulnerability in the series. Currently, it is possible with all versions from 3.0 to 3.9.2, insert code using the comment fields malicious code using Java script (and thus compromise the website).
seid neustem hat eine Bekannte von mir ein Problem mit ihrem Headset.
Anfangs läuft alles super, aber so nach 1-2 Minuten fängt es an das man sie fast garnicht mehr hört oder nur total verzogen, aber man selbst dann bei ihr die Audioausgabe 1A zu hören bekommt…
Das Problem geht einem schon langsam tierisch auf die Nerven…
Weiß denn jemand ob es an einem Wackelkontakt am Headset/Mainboard l