Problem installing EyeOS

I’m having a weird error with Eyeos…
never happened before.
but was just wondering.

This is the error output when i hit Install EyeOS

[code]to [$p_path]"); } // ----- Add the path if (substr($v_header[‘filename’], 0, 1) == “/”) $v_header[‘filename’] = $p_path.$v_header[‘filename’]; else $v_header[‘filename’] = $p_path."/".$v_header[‘filename’]; } // ----- //Trace //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Extracting file (with path) '”.$v_header[‘filename’]."’, size ‘".$v_header[‘size’]."’"); // ----- Check that the file does not exists if (file_exists($v_header[‘filename’])) { //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “File '”.$v_header[‘filename’]."’ already exists"); // ----- Look if file is a directory if (is_dir($v_header[‘filename’])) { //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Existing file '”.$v_header[‘filename’]."’ is a directory"); // ----- Change the file status $v_header[‘status’] = “already_a_directory”; // ----- Skip the extract $v_extraction_stopped = 1; $v_extract_file = 0; } // ----- Look if file is write protected else if (!is_writeable($v_header[‘filename’])) { //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Existing file '”.$v_header[‘filename’]."’ is write protected"); // ----- Change the file status $v_header[‘status’] = “write_protected”; // ----- Skip the extract $v_extraction_stopped = 1; $v_extract_file = 0; } // ----- Look if the extracted file is older /In eyeUpdate need overwrite files :slight_smile: else if (filemtime($v_header[‘filename’]) > $v_header[‘mtime’]) { //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Existing file '”.$v_header[‘filename’]."’ is newer (".date(“l dS of F Y h:i:s A”, filemtime($v_header[‘filename’])).") than the extracted file (".date(“l dS of F Y h:i:s A”, $v_header[‘mtime’]).")"); // ----- Change the file status $v_header[‘status’] = “newer_exist”; // ----- Skip the extract $v_extraction_stopped = 1; $v_extract_file = 0; }/ } // ----- Check the directory availability and create it if necessary else { if ($v_header[‘typeflag’]==“5”) $v_dir_to_check = $v_header[‘filename’]; else if (!strstr($v_header[‘filename’], “/”)) $v_dir_to_check = “”; else $v_dir_to_check = dirname($v_header[‘filename’]); if (($v_result = PclTarHandlerDirCheck($v_dir_to_check)) != 1) { //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Unable to create path for '”.$v_header[‘filename’]."’"); // ----- Change the file status $v_header[‘status’] = “path_creation_fail”; // ----- Skip the extract $v_extraction_stopped = 1; $v_extract_file = 0; } } // ----- Do the real bytes extraction (if not a directory) if (($v_extract_file) && ($v_header[‘typeflag’]!=“5”)) { // ----- Open the destination file in write mode if (($v_dest_file = @fopen($v_header[‘filename’], “wb”)) == 0) { //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Error while opening '”.$v_header[‘filename’]."’ in write binary mode"); // ----- Change the file status $v_header[‘status’] = “write_error”; // ----- Jump to next file //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Jump to next file”); if ($p_tar_mode == “tar”) fseek($v_tar, ftell($v_tar)+(ceil(($v_header[‘size’]/512))*512)); else gzseek($v_tar, gztell($v_tar)+(ceil(($v_header[‘size’]/512))*512)); } else { //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Start extraction of '”.$v_header[‘filename’]."’"); // ----- Read data $n = floor($v_header[‘size’]/512); for ($i=0; $i<$n; $i++) { //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 3, “Read complete 512 bytes block number “.($i+1)); if ($p_tar_mode == “tar”) $v_content = fread($v_tar, 512); else $v_content = gzread($v_tar, 512); fwrite($v_dest_file, $v_content, 512); } if (($v_header[‘size’] % 512) != 0) { //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 3, “Read last “.($v_header[‘size’] % 512).” bytes in a 512 block”); if ($p_tar_mode == “tar”) $v_content = fread($v_tar, 512); else $v_content = gzread($v_tar, 512); fwrite($v_dest_file, $v_content, ($v_header[‘size’] % 512)); } // ----- Close the destination file fclose($v_dest_file); // ----- Change the file mode, mtime touch($v_header[‘filename’], $v_header[‘mtime’]); //chmod($v_header[‘filename’], DecOct($v_header[‘mode’])); } // ----- Check the file size clearstatcache(); if (filesize($v_header[‘filename’]) != $v_header[‘size’]) { // ----- Error log PclTarErrorLog(-7, “Extracted file '”.$v_header[‘filename’].”’ does not have the correct file size '”.filesize($v_filename)."’ (’".$v_header[‘size’]."’ expected). Archive may be corrupted."); // ----- Return //TrFctEnd(FILE, LINE, PclTarErrorCode(), PclTarErrorString()); return PclTarErrorCode(); } // ----- //Trace //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Extraction done”); } else { //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Extraction of file '”.$v_header[‘filename’]."’ skipped."); // ----- Jump to next file //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Jump to next file”); if ($p_tar_mode == “tar”) fseek($v_tar, ftell($v_tar)+(ceil(($v_header[‘size’]/512))*512)); else gzseek($v_tar, gztell($v_tar)+(ceil(($v_header[‘size’]/512))*512)); } // ----- Return //TrFctEnd(FILE, LINE, $v_result); return $v_result; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function : PclTarHandleDelete() // Description : // Parameters : // Return Values : // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function PclTarHandleDelete($p_tarname, $p_file_list, &$p_list_detail, $p_tar_mode) { //TrFctStart(FILE, LINE, “PclTarHandleDelete”, “archive=’$p_tarname’, list, tar_mode=$p_tar_mode”); $v_result=1; $v_nb=0; // ----- Look for regular tar file if ($p_tar_mode == “tar”) { // ----- Open file //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 3, “Open file in binary read mode”); if (($v_tar = @fopen($p_tarname, “rb”)) == 0) { // ----- Error log PclTarErrorLog(-2, “Unable to open file ‘$p_tarname’ in binary read mode”); // ----- Return //TrFctEnd(FILE, LINE, PclTarErrorCode(), PclTarErrorString()); return PclTarErrorCode(); } // ----- Open a temporary file in write mode $v_temp_tarname = uniqid(“pcltar-”).".tmp"; //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Creating temporary archive file $v_temp_tarname”); if (($v_temp_tar = @fopen($v_temp_tarname, “wb”)) == 0) { // ----- Close tar file fclose($v_tar); // ----- Error log PclTarErrorLog(-1, “Unable to open file ‘$v_temp_tarname’ in binary write mode”); // ----- Return //TrFctEnd(FILE, LINE, PclTarErrorCode(), PclTarErrorString()); return PclTarErrorCode(); } } // ----- Look for compressed tar file else { // ----- Open the file in read mode //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 3, “Open file in gzip binary read mode”); if (($v_tar = @gzopen($p_tarname, “rb”)) == 0) { // ----- Error log PclTarErrorLog(-2, “Unable to open file ‘$p_tarname’ in binary read mode”); // ----- Return //TrFctEnd(FILE, LINE, PclTarErrorCode(), PclTarErrorString()); return PclTarErrorCode(); } // ----- Open a temporary file in write mode $v_temp_tarname = uniqid(“pcltar-”).".tmp"; //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Creating temporary archive file $v_temp_tarname”); if (($v_temp_tar = @gzopen($v_temp_tarname, “wb”)) == 0) { // ----- Close tar file gzclose($v_tar); // ----- Error log PclTarErrorLog(-1, “Unable to open file ‘$v_temp_tarname’ in binary write mode”); // ----- Return //TrFctEnd(FILE, LINE, PclTarErrorCode(), PclTarErrorString()); return PclTarErrorCode(); } } // ----- Read the blocks While (!($v_end_of_file = ($p_tar_mode == “tar”?feof($v_tar):gzeof($v_tar)))) { //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 3, “Looking for next header …”); // ----- Clear cache of file infos clearstatcache(); // ----- Reset delete tag $v_delete_file = FALSE; // ----- Read the first 512 block header if ($p_tar_mode == “tar”) $v_binary_data = fread($v_tar, 512); else $v_binary_data = gzread($v_tar, 512); // ----- Read the header properties if (($v_result = PclTarHandleReadHeader($v_binary_data, $v_header)) != 1) { // ----- Close the archive file if ($p_tar_mode == “tar”) { fclose($v_tar); fclose($v_temp_tar); } else { gzclose($v_tar); gzclose($v_temp_tar); } @unlink($v_temp_tarname); // ----- Return //TrFctEnd(FILE, LINE, $v_result); return $v_result; } // ----- Look for empty blocks to skip if ($v_header[‘filename’] == “”) { //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Empty block found. End of archive ?”); continue; } //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Found file '”.$v_header[‘filename’]."’, size ‘".$v_header[‘size’]."’"); // ----- Look for filenames to delete for ($i=0, $v_delete_file=FALSE; ($i<= 0) { if ($v_len==0) { //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 3, “Found that '”.$v_header[‘filename’]."’ need to be deleted"); $v_delete_file = TRUE; } else { //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 3, “Look if '”.$v_header[‘filename’]."’ is a file in $p_file_list[$i]"); if (substr($v_header[‘filename’], strlen($p_file_list[$i]), 1) == “/”) { //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 3, “’”.$v_header[‘filename’]."’ is a file in $p_file_list[$i]"); $v_delete_file = TRUE; } } } } // ----- Copy files that do not need to be deleted if (!$v_delete_file) { //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Keep file '”.$v_header[‘filename’]."’"); // ----- Write the file header if ($p_tar_mode == “tar”) { fputs($v_temp_tar, $v_binary_data, 512); } else { gzputs($v_temp_tar, $v_binary_data, 512); } // ----- Write the file data $n = ceil($v_header[‘size’]/512); for ($i=0; $i<$n; $i++) { //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 3, “Read complete 512 bytes block number “.($i+1)); if ($p_tar_mode == “tar”) { $v_content = fread($v_tar, 512); fwrite($v_temp_tar, $v_content, 512); } else { $v_content = gzread($v_tar, 512); gzwrite($v_temp_tar, $v_content, 512); } } // ----- File name and properties are logged if listing mode or file is extracted //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Memorize info about file '”.$v_header[‘filename’].”’”); // ----- Add the array describing the file into the list $p_list_detail[$v_nb] = $v_header; $p_list_detail[$v_nb][status] = “ok”; // ----- Increment $v_nb++; } // ----- Look for file that is to be deleted else { // ----- //Trace //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Start deletion of '”.$v_header[‘filename’]."’"); //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 4, “Position avant jump [”.($p_tar_mode==“tar”?ftell($v_tar):gztell($v_tar))."]"); // ----- Jump to next file if ($p_tar_mode == “tar”) fseek($v_tar, ftell($v_tar)+(ceil(($v_header[‘size’]/512))*512)); else gzseek($v_tar, gztell($v_tar)+(ceil(($v_header[‘size’]/512))*512)); //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 4, “Position apr?s jump [”.($p_tar_mode==“tar”?ftell($v_tar):gztell($v_tar))."]"); } // ----- Look for end of file if ($p_tar_mode == “tar”) $v_end_of_file = feof($v_tar); else $v_end_of_file = gzeof($v_tar); } // ----- Write the last empty buffer PclTarHandleFooter($v_temp_tar, $p_tar_mode); // ----- Close the tarfile if ($p_tar_mode == “tar”) { fclose($v_tar); fclose($v_temp_tar); } else { gzclose($v_tar); gzclose($v_temp_tar); } // ----- Unlink tar file if (!@unlink($p_tarname)) { // ----- Error log PclTarErrorLog(-11, “Error while deleting archive name $p_tarname”); } // ----- Rename tar file if (!@rename($v_temp_tarname, $p_tarname)) { // ----- Error log PclTarErrorLog(-12, “Error while renaming temporary file $v_temp_tarname to archive name $p_tarname”); // ----- Return //TrFctEnd(FILE, LINE, PclTarErrorCode(), PclTarErrorString()); return PclTarErrorCode(); } // ----- Return //TrFctEnd(FILE, LINE, $v_result); return $v_result; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function : PclTarHandleUpdate() // Description : // Parameters : // Return Values : // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function PclTarHandleUpdate($p_tarname, $p_file_list, &$p_list_detail, $p_tar_mode, $p_add_dir, $p_remove_dir) { //TrFctStart(FILE, LINE, “PclTarHandleUpdate”, “archive=’$p_tarname’, list, tar_mode=$p_tar_mode”); $v_result=1; $v_nb=0; $v_found_list = array(); // ----- Look for regular tar file if ($p_tar_mode == “tar”) { // ----- Open file //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 3, “Open file in binary read mode”); if (($v_tar = @fopen($p_tarname, “rb”)) == 0) { // ----- Error log PclTarErrorLog(-2, “Unable to open file ‘$p_tarname’ in binary read mode”); // ----- Return //TrFctEnd(FILE, LINE, PclTarErrorCode(), PclTarErrorString()); return PclTarErrorCode(); } // ----- Open a temporary file in write mode $v_temp_tarname = uniqid(“pcltar-”).".tmp"; //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Creating temporary archive file $v_temp_tarname”); if (($v_temp_tar = @fopen($v_temp_tarname, “wb”)) == 0) { // ----- Close tar file fclose($v_tar); // ----- Error log PclTarErrorLog(-1, “Unable to open file ‘$v_temp_tarname’ in binary write mode”); // ----- Return //TrFctEnd(FILE, LINE, PclTarErrorCode(), PclTarErrorString()); return PclTarErrorCode(); } } // ----- Look for compressed tar file else { // ----- Open the file in read mode //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 3, “Open file in gzip binary read mode”); if (($v_tar = @gzopen($p_tarname, “rb”)) == 0) { // ----- Error log PclTarErrorLog(-2, “Unable to open file ‘$p_tarname’ in binary read mode”); // ----- Return //TrFctEnd(FILE, LINE, PclTarErrorCode(), PclTarErrorString()); return PclTarErrorCode(); } // ----- Open a temporary file in write mode $v_temp_tarname = uniqid(“pcltar-”).".tmp"; //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Creating temporary archive file $v_temp_tarname”); if (($v_temp_tar = @gzopen($v_temp_tarname, “wb”)) == 0) { // ----- Close tar file gzclose($v_tar); // ----- Error log PclTarErrorLog(-1, “Unable to open file ‘$v_temp_tarname’ in binary write mode”); // ----- Return //TrFctEnd(FILE, LINE, PclTarErrorCode(), PclTarErrorString()); return PclTarErrorCode(); } } // ----- Prepare the list of files for ($i=0; $i $v_header[‘mtime’]) { //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 3, “File ‘$p_file_list[$i]’ need to be updated”); $v_update_file = TRUE; } else { //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 3, “File ‘$p_file_list[$i]’ does not need to be updated”); $v_update_file = FALSE; } // ----- Flag the name in order not to add the file at the end $v_found_list[$i] = 1; } else { //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 4, “File ‘$p_file_list[$i]’ is not '”.$v_header[‘filename’]."’"); } } // ----- Copy files that do not need to be updated if (!$v_update_file) { //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Keep file '”.$v_header[‘filename’]."’"); // ----- Write the file header if ($p_tar_mode == “tar”) { fputs($v_temp_tar, $v_binary_data, 512); } else { gzputs($v_temp_tar, $v_binary_data, 512); } // ----- Write the file data $n = ceil($v_header[‘size’]/512); for ($j=0; $j<$n; $j++) { //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 3, “Read complete 512 bytes block number “.($j+1)); if ($p_tar_mode == “tar”) { $v_content = fread($v_tar, 512); fwrite($v_temp_tar, $v_content, 512); } else { $v_content = gzread($v_tar, 512); gzwrite($v_temp_tar, $v_content, 512); } } // ----- File name and properties are logged if listing mode or file is extracted //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Memorize info about file '”.$v_header[‘filename’].”’”); // ----- Add the array describing the file into the list $p_list_detail[$v_nb] = $v_header; $p_list_detail[$v_nb][status] = ($v_found_file?“not_updated”:“ok”); // ----- Increment $v_nb++; } // ----- Look for file that need to be updated else { // ----- //Trace //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Start update of file ‘$v_current_filename’”); // ----- Store the old file size $v_old_size = $v_header[‘size’]; // ----- Add the file if (($v_result = PclTarHandleAddFile($v_temp_tar, $v_current_filename, $p_tar_mode, $v_header, $p_add_dir, $p_remove_dir)) != 1) { // ----- Close the tarfile if ($p_tar_mode == “tar”) { fclose($v_tar); fclose($v_temp_tar); } else { gzclose($v_tar); gzclose($v_temp_tar); } @unlink($p_temp_tarname); // ----- Return status //TrFctEnd(FILE, LINE, $v_result); return $v_result; } // ----- //Trace //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Skip old file '”.$v_header[‘filename’]."’"); // ----- Jump to next file if ($p_tar_mode == “tar”) fseek($v_tar, ftell($v_tar)+(ceil(($v_old_size/512))*512)); else gzseek($v_tar, gztell($v_tar)+(ceil(($v_old_size/512))512)); // ----- Add the array describing the file into the list $p_list_detail[$v_nb] = $v_header; $p_list_detail[$v_nb][status] = “updated”; // ----- Increment $v_nb++; } // ----- Look for end of file if ($p_tar_mode == “tar”) $v_end_of_file = feof($v_tar); else $v_end_of_file = gzeof($v_tar); } // ----- Look for files that does not exists in the archive and need to be added for ($i=0; $i<148; $i++) { $v_checksum+=ord(substr($v_binary_data,$i,1)); } // … Ignore the checksum value and replace it by ’ ’ (space) for ($i=148; $i<156; $i++) { $v_checksum += ord(’ ‘); } // … Last part of the header for ($i=156; $i<512; $i++) { $v_checksum+=ord(substr($v_binary_data,$i,1)); } //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 3, “Calculated checksum : $v_checksum”); // ----- Extract the values //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Header : ‘$v_binary_data’”); $v_data = unpack(“a100filename/a8mode/a8uid/a8gid/a12size/a12mtime/a8checksum/a1typeflag/a100link/a6magic/a2version/a32uname/a32gname/a8devmajor/a8devminor”, $v_binary_data); // ----- Extract the checksum for check $v_header[‘checksum’] = OctDec(trim($v_data[‘checksum’])); //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 3, “File checksum : '”.$v_header[‘checksum’]."’"); if ($v_header[‘checksum’] != $v_checksum) { //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “File checksum is invalid : $v_checksum calculated, “.$v_header[‘checksum’].” expected”); $v_header[‘filename’] = “”; $v_header[‘status’] = “invalid_header”; // ----- Look for last block (empty block) if (($v_checksum == 256) && ($v_header[‘checksum’] == 0)) { $v_header[‘status’] = “empty”; // ----- Return //TrFctEnd(FILE, LINE, $v_result, “End of archive found”); return $v_result; } // ----- Error log PclTarErrorLog(-13, “Invalid checksum : $v_checksum calculated, “.$v_header[‘checksum’].” expected”); // ----- Return //TrFctEnd(FILE, LINE, PclTarErrorCode(), PclTarErrorString()); return PclTarErrorCode(); } //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “File checksum is valid ($v_checksum)”); // ----- Extract the properties $v_header[‘filename’] = trim($v_data[‘filename’]); //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Name : '”.$v_header[‘filename’]."’"); $v_header[‘mode’] = OctDec(trim($v_data[‘mode’])); //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Mode : '”.DecOct($v_header[‘mode’])."’"); $v_header[‘uid’] = OctDec(trim($v_data[‘uid’])); //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Uid : '”.$v_header[‘uid’]."’"); $v_header[‘gid’] = OctDec(trim($v_data[‘gid’])); //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Gid : '”.$v_header[‘gid’]."’"); $v_header[‘size’] = OctDec(trim($v_data[‘size’])); //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Size : '”.$v_header[‘size’]."’"); $v_header[‘mtime’] = OctDec(trim($v_data[‘mtime’])); //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Date : “.date(“l dS of F Y h:i:s A”, $v_header[‘mtime’])); if (($v_header[‘typeflag’] = $v_data[‘typeflag’]) == “5”) { $v_header[‘size’] = 0; //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Size (folder) : '”.$v_header[‘size’].”’”); } //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “File typeflag : '”.$v_header[‘typeflag’]."’"); / ----- All these fields are removed form the header because they do not carry interesting info $v_header[link] = trim($v_data[link]); //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Linkname : $v_header[linkname]”); $v_header[magic] = trim($v_data[magic]); //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Magic : $v_header[magic]”); $v_header[version] = trim($v_data[version]); //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Version : $v_header[version]”); $v_header[uname] = trim($v_data[uname]); //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Uname : $v_header[uname]”); $v_header[gname] = trim($v_data[gname]); //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Gname : $v_header[gname]”); $v_header[devmajor] = trim($v_data[devmajor]); //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Devmajor : $v_header[devmajor]”); $v_header[devminor] = trim($v_data[devminor]); //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Devminor : $v_header[devminor]”); / // ----- Set the status field $v_header[‘status’] = “ok”; // ----- Return //TrFctEnd(FILE, LINE, $v_result); return $v_result; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function : PclTarHandlerDirCheck() // Description : // Check if a directory exists, if not it creates it and all the parents directory // which may be useful. // Parameters : // $p_dir : Directory path to check (without / at the end). // Return Values : // 1 : OK // -1 : Unable to create directory // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function PclTarHandlerDirCheck($p_dir) { $v_result = 1; //TrFctStart(FILE, LINE, “PclTarHandlerDirCheck”, “$p_dir”); // ----- Check the directory availability if ((is_dir($p_dir)) || ($p_dir == “”)) { //TrFctEnd(FILE, LINE, “’$p_dir’ is a directory”); return 1; } // ----- Look for file alone / if (!strstr("$p_dir", “/”)) { //TrFctEnd(FILE, LINE, “’$p_dir’ is a file with no directory”); return 1; } */ // ----- Extract parent directory $p_parent_dir = dirname($p_dir); //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 3, “Parent directory is ‘$p_parent_dir’”); // ----- Just a check if ($p_parent_dir != $p_dir) { // ----- Look for parent directory if ($p_parent_dir != “”) { if (($v_result = PclTarHandlerDirCheck($p_parent_dir)) != 1) { //TrFctEnd(FILE, LINE, $v_result); return $v_result; } } } // ----- Create the directory //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 3, “Create directory ‘$p_dir’”); if (!@mkdir($p_dir, 0777)) { // ----- Error log PclTarErrorLog(-8, “Unable to create directory ‘$p_dir’”); // ----- Return //TrFctEnd(FILE, LINE, PclTarErrorCode(), PclTarErrorString()); return PclTarErrorCode(); } // ----- Return //TrFctEnd(FILE, LINE, $v_result, “Directory ‘$p_dir’ created”); return $v_result; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function : PclTarHandleExtension() // Description : // Parameters : // Return Values : // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function PclTarHandleExtension($p_tarname) { //TrFctStart(FILE, LINE, “PclTarHandleExtension”, “tar=$p_tarname”); // ----- Look for file extension if ((substr($p_tarname, -7) == “.tar.gz”) || (substr($p_tarname, -4) == “.tgz”)) { //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Archive is a gzip tar”); $v_tar_mode = “tgz”; } else if (substr($p_tarname, -4) == “.tar”) { //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, 2, “Archive is a tar”); $v_tar_mode = “tar”; } else { // ----- Error log PclTarErrorLog(-9, “Invalid archive extension”); //TrFctMessage(FILE, LINE, PclTarErrorCode(), PclTarErrorString()); $v_tar_mode = “”; } // ----- Return //TrFctEnd(FILE, LINE, $v_tar_mode); return $v_tar_mode; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function : PclTarHandlePathReduction() // Description : // Parameters : // Return Values : // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function PclTarHandlePathReduction($p_dir) { //TrFctStart(FILE, LINE, “PclTarHandlePathReduction”, “dir=’$p_dir’”); $v_result = “”; // ----- Look for not empty path if ($p_dir != “”) { // ----- Explode path by directory names $v_list = explode("/", $p_dir); // ----- Study directories from last to first for ($i=sizeof($v_list)-1; $i>=0; $i–) { // ----- Look for current path if ($v_list[$i] == “.”) { // ----- Ignore this directory // Should be the first $i=0, but no check is done } else if ($v_list[$i] == “…”) { // ----- Ignore it and ignore the $i-1 $i–; } else if (($v_list[$i] == “”) && ($i!=(sizeof($v_list)-1)) && ($i!=0)) { // ----- Ignore only the double ‘//’ in path, // but not the first and last ‘/’ } else { $v_result = $v_list[$i].($i!=(sizeof($v_list)-1)?"/".$v_result:""); } } } // ----- Return //TrFctEnd(FILE, LINE, $v_result); return $v_result; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ******************************************************************************** // Included from the former PclTarError Library // ******************************************************************************** // ----- Internal variables $g_pcltar_error_string = “”; $g_pcltar_error_code = 1; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function : PclTarErrorLog() // Description : // Parameters : // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function PclTarErrorLog($p_error_code=0, $p_error_string="") { global $g_pcltar_error_string; global $g_pcltar_error_code; $g_pcltar_error_code = $p_error_code; $g_pcltar_error_string = $p_error_string; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function : PclTarErrorFatal() // Description : // Parameters : // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //This function not is used by pcltar.lib.php /*function PclTarErrorFatal($p_file, $p_line, $p_error_string="") { global $g_pcltar_error_string; global $g_pcltar_error_code; $v_message = “”; $v_message .= "

PclTarError Library has detected a fatal error on file ‘$p_file’, line $p_line
"; $v_message .= "

"; $v_message .= “”; die($v_message); }*/ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function : PclTarErrorReset() // Description : // Parameters : // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //This function is not used by this library /function PclTarErrorReset() { global $g_pcltar_error_string; global $g_pcltar_error_code; $g_pcltar_error_code = 1; $g_pcltar_error_string = “”; }/ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function : PclTarErrorCode() // Description : // Parameters : // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function PclTarErrorCode() { global $g_pcltar_error_string; global $g_pcltar_error_code; return($g_pcltar_error_code); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function : PclTarErrorString() // Description : // Parameters : // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //This functio is not used by this library /*function PclTarErrorString() { global $g_pcltar_error_string; global $g_pcltar_error_code; return($g_pcltar_error_string." "); }*/ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?>

Anybody can help me ?

It looks like you uploaded the script as a html datei

the index is a .html file, but that’s always been that way…

well, but you need a php file to install it by an assistent, well you should look for a php file like setup.php

It’s obvious you don’t know what you’re talking about, so responding has no use.

:astonished: Man sind die frech :ps:

Well, without an php file you can not install eye os - maybe reupload will help

Sorry, I don’t know PHP very well, but as far as I know is this :

a PHP code…
you can’t run PHP codes in HTML-files :slight_smile:

[@brauwn: manchmapl ist das halt so ^.^]

problem solved.
none of you even bothered to look up anything about eyeos…

well ignoring the fact that you didn’t talk very nice to us,
what was the problem?


in fact, this issue may have been obvious in any case - what you posted was unparsed PHP-code, which leads to the assumption that your code was not parsed because it was used within a file, having an extension other than .php, i.e. .html or some other.

Everyone, please respect the single and only one rule within these forums: be nice.
